What's in your collection?

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alienwar9 wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 11:26 am
So I picked up:
- 2 WW2 armory
- 3 hazmat lab armory
- about 30-40 series 3 figures that were $1
- the transport truck
- the Dollar General bike
- 2 enemy soldiers packs
- Firebreak crate
- Black Ops 4 Standoff
- Probably a bunch of other set duplicates I'm forgetting.

Waiting on my order of Seals vs. Submariners from Amazon. Trying desparately to find a Desert Tactics crate that isn't $20 shipped. And waiting for Desert Snipers vs. Mercenaries to release somewhere.

Also kicking myself that I didn't pick up the Beach Invasion when it was $40 on Amazon, and now worried it might never return back in stock. I hoped it would go on sale....now it is $80+

Outside those 3 sets, I still have every set released including the SDCC specials.

But I need more shelves!
Try TRI I have seen it there for like 59 up here in canada

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Everything is x1

Dome Battlegound
Rib beach assault
Mountain recon
Artic invasion
Sam turret
Motorbike breakout
Ghillie suit sniper
Desert outpost
Landing craft invasion
Seal specialist
Seal sub recon
Atlas troopers
Desert troopers
Rocket turret
Hoverbike raid
Covert ops unit
Icarus troopers
Ghost rappel fighter
Classic infantry pack
Rib coastal attack
Snowmobile recon
Riverboat raid
Advanced soldiers
Artic troopers
Wraith attack
Jungle rangers
Urban assault copter
Surface troops
Artic recon armory
Anti tank gun
All 6 series 1,2 & 3 figures
Atv ground recon
Assault drone
Modern infantry armory
Mercenary outpost armory
Night ops blackout
Dragonflies drone strike
Jungle satcom armory
Desert air defenders
Legends allied soldiers
Urban strike squad
Legends winter heroes
Legends checkpoint charge
Hazmat armory
WWII armory
Axis soldiers
WWII weapon crate
Close combat crate
Assault crate
Sniper crate
Scout car
Snowmobile scout
Beach invasion
Heavy tactical cargo truck

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I have the Black Ops 4 Troop Pack and the Desert Snipers Vs. Mercenaries en route. Still can't find the new Weapons Crates for affordable prices sadly.

EDIT: Received those two sets. Some nice new sculpts (desert sniper rifle, Prophet's armor, a number of the heads) and uses many rare sculpts (the loop belts, Ruin's shoulder piece, some of the other armor...in fact, out of all eight figures there's one duplicate chest plate...)

The value is very steep compared to when the series opened - instead of five figures, a small diorama and a care package, you get four figures, baseplates, and a very small amount of other accessories. I'm a collector, and I'll spend the funds, but I don't advise it for the average consumer not invested in the line.

EDIT 2: I now have the WWII Battle Pack. Nice set, except one of my figures came with two right feet - quite annoying if I say so myself.

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WWII Fighter Strike pre-ordered.

EDIT: By Jove, if you go to Page 5 (where my first post on this topic was), I edit it when I have new acquisitions. Seeing the difference between my post, and the post below it which quoted the original post, I've gotten a lot of sets since then.

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Aaaand I just got the new Arctic Armory shipping container.

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REcently, I got the revised Assault Weapon Crate with the unpainted black weapon parts. The look improves a lot without the enameled pieces

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I now have the Special Ops Copter ordered from Amazon - should ship the 22nd.

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Something hovery and crafty is turning up most likely Thursday...

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GreenSpartan082 wrote:
Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:58 am
Something hovery and crafty is turning up most likely Thursday...
Nice! That is my favorite set, even with how much of a pain it is to put together.

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