Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:20 pm
Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:56 pm
Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:44 pm
….And yet many of Mega’s secondary builds have been structures; so why not split the diff and create a modular structure with the secondary builds? The builders box (vehicle bay / garage) and the Pelican (wall and door) secondary builds are prime examples of this idea…You can put these sets together to create a bigger structure…Mega could continue this trend until collectors have an entire firebase built entirely from secondary builds! Collectors are happy and Mega sales go through the roof!! It’s a win win win!!!! 🤩🤩🤩NatoGreavesy wrote: MCX staff and set designers have previously explained that structure sets don't sell very well compared to vehicles and figures, which is why they generally don't make them anymore.
Tue May 03, 2022 1:05 pm
Yet you forget, the reason they are secondary builds are because they aren't "good enough" to be an entire set. and most of them dont look that good( no offense mega) the only ones that could be used as a firebase are the pelican and building box.Vega112 wrote: ↑Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:44 pm….And yet many of Mega’s secondary builds have been structures; so why not split the diff and create a modular structure with the secondary builds? The builders box (vehicle bay / garage) and the Pelican (wall and door) secondary builds are prime examples of this idea…You can put these sets together to create a bigger structure…Mega could continue this trend until collectors have an entire firebase built entirely from secondary builds! Collectors are happy and Mega sales go through the roof!! It’s a win win win!!!! 🤩🤩🤩NatoGreavesy wrote: MCX staff and set designers have previously explained that structure sets don't sell very well compared to vehicles and figures, which is why they generally don't make them anymore.
Sun May 22, 2022 9:44 am
Agreed, but that firebase set would sell like hot cakesBmatt123 wrote: ↑Tue May 03, 2022 1:05 pmYet you forget, the reason they are secondary builds are because they aren't "good enough" to be an entire set. and most of them dont look that good( no offense mega) the only ones that could be used as a firebase are the pelican and building box.Vega112 wrote: ↑Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:44 pm….And yet many of Mega’s secondary builds have been structures; so why not split the diff and create a modular structure with the secondary builds? The builders box (vehicle bay / garage) and the Pelican (wall and door) secondary builds are prime examples of this idea…You can put these sets together to create a bigger structure…Mega could continue this trend until collectors have an entire firebase built entirely from secondary builds! Collectors are happy and Mega sales go through the roof!! It’s a win win win!!!! 🤩🤩🤩NatoGreavesy wrote: MCX staff and set designers have previously explained that structure sets don't sell very well compared to vehicles and figures, which is why they generally don't make them anymore.
Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:50 pm
That's why you do modular builds, meaning you choose which build you want, that way everyone is happy. They're already doing this and all I'm saying is to streamline it a bit more.Bmatt123 wrote: ↑Tue May 03, 2022 1:05 pmYet you forget, the reason they are secondary builds are because they aren't "good enough" to be an entire set. and most of them dont look that good( no offense mega) the only ones that could be used as a firebase are the pelican and building box.Vega112 wrote: ↑Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:44 pm….And yet many of Mega’s secondary builds have been structures; so why not split the diff and create a modular structure with the secondary builds? The builders box (vehicle bay / garage) and the Pelican (wall and door) secondary builds are prime examples of this idea…You can put these sets together to create a bigger structure…Mega could continue this trend until collectors have an entire firebase built entirely from secondary builds! Collectors are happy and Mega sales go through the roof!! It’s a win win win!!!! 🤩🤩🤩NatoGreavesy wrote: MCX staff and set designers have previously explained that structure sets don't sell very well compared to vehicles and figures, which is why they generally don't make them anymore.